- How does orthodontics work?
This may require the orthodontist to take action that helps stretch your jaw or move your teeth so that everything fits properly.
One action they can take is using tools such as braces to push on your teeth so they move into the right place.
If your top jaw is too small, they may install an expander to make it grow wider. Your jaw can be stretched or widened or moved to change its shape.
There are various other steps they can take to move your teeth or expand your jaw so that your teeth all fit comfortably and correctly in your mouth.
- At what age should I start orthodontic treatment?
Between 8 and 9 is usually when the jaw is growing fastest and so is the best time to reshape your mouth.
Permanent teeth usually come in between age 12 or 14 and that is the best time to start full orthodontic treatment.
What happens if I wait until I am older for orthodontic treatment?
You can get braces at any age but as you get older the treatment takes longer and may hurt a bit more. Nevertheless the benefits are still significant.
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