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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Kissing with Braces

A top concern about braces for both adults and teenagers is whether they will still be able to kiss.

The short answer is that it depends on what type of braces you get.

With old fashioned clunky braces, it is sometimes uncomfortable to kiss.

However most orthodontic manufacturers now make smaller braces which make kissing comfortable.

Of course, a lot also depends on your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend.

As two out of three teenagers wear braces at some time, it’s an issue most of them get used to.

While it’s less common for adults, most realize how important orthodontics is, and will support you in improving your smile and your health.

There are a few tips to make kissing easier:

Wait a bit: Wait about a month after getting braces to make sure any initial soreness has gone.

Take it easy: Start off very gently so you can get a feel for what is most comfortable for each of you.

Watch the tongue: Your partner will have to take care to avoid touching your braces with their tongue to avoid getting cut.

Be gentle: Pushing lips too hard together might cut the insides of your lips.

Most important, relax. Don’t worry about getting it right first time.

It may be different but you’ll get used to it and enjoy it.

It will be worth it in the long-run.

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